Sardinian Sea Port Authority

Sardinian Sea Port Authority was established following the Legislative Decree 169/2016, with the reorganization of the then existing Port Authorities at a national level, with the creation of 16 new organizations, to which it entrusted a strategic role of direction, planning and coordination of all the ports of competence.

The former Port Authorities of Cagliari and Olbia – Golfo Aranci have merged, becoming the Sardinian AdSP, with the appointment of Professor /Avv Massimo Deiana as President. There are 8 ports in total administered by this new organization : Cagliari, Olbia, Gofo Aranci, Porto Torres, Oristano, Santa Teresa, Portovesme and Arbatax.

As required by Legislative Decree 169, the Sardinian Sea Port Authority has the following functions:

  • direction, planning, coordination, promotion and checking of port operations as referred to in Article 16, paragraph 1, and of other commercial and industrial activities carried out in its ports, with regulatory and ordinance powers, also with reference to safety with respect to risks of accidents connected to these activities and to hygienic conditions in the workplace;
  • routine and non routine maintenance of the common areas in the port, including that of the maintenance of the seabed, subject to an agreement with the Ministry of Public Works which provides funds, available for this purpose, on the advice of the port authority administration;
  • assignment and checking of the provision of services of general interest to port users, not strictly connected to port operations, referred to in Article 16, paragraph 1, identified by decree of the Minister of Transport and Navigation, which is to be issued within thirty days from the date of coming into force of the present Act;
  • coordination of administrative activities carried out by public entities and bodies within the ports and maritime state-owned areas included in the territorial district;
  • exclusive administration of the areas and assets of the maritime state property included within its domain;
  • enhancement of the logistics within the port and its hinterland area.


Massimo Deiana has been the President of the Sardinian Sea Port Authority since 17 July 2017. Born in Cagliari in 1962, Professor of Maritime Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Cagliari, he was Dean of the Faculty from 2006 to 2012. As a lawyer, he has been a long-time consultant to the Regional Department of Transport and the Port Authorities of Cagliari and Olbia. He held the position of Counsellor for Transport of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia from 2014 to 2017.

The General Secretary

The role of General Secretary was conferred, nominated by the Management committee on 14 February 2018 and chosen from a group of experienced professionals. Lawyer Natale Ditel

The Management Committee

The Port Authority is governed by a Management Committee

Pursuant to art. 11 of Legislative Decree 169/2016 relative to the AdSP of the Sardinian Sea, and is composed of:

  • Prof.Avv Massimo Deiana, President of the Association
  • CV(CP) Mario Valente delegated by The Cagliari Maritime Authority
  • A representative of the Sardinian Region, awaiting appointment
  • Prof Massimiliano Piras, representing the city of Cagliari
  • Avv Ignazia Maria Paola Palitta, representing the town council of Olbia

The Management Committee, by law, has the role of adopting a regulatory plan for the port system, approval of a three year operational plan to identify strategies to be used in order to identify development of the port and its logistics; provisional budget approval, any variations to it and the final balance sheet. The Management Committee prepares, with the proposals of the President of the AdSP, the administrative regulations and the financial accounts of the organisation; approves the annual report of the authority, expresses opinions with regards to state-owned concessions; authorises the port companies to carry out their activities: deliberates on the staffing of the Entity and on the implementation of contractual agreements and last but not least appoints the General Secretary of the AdSP on proposal of the President.

The board of Auditors

The board of Auditors along with the President and the Management Committee is defined in art. 7 of Legislative decree 169/2016, as a body of the Port Authority.

It is made up of three permanent members and two deputy members, who must be registered in the register of statutory auditors, or possess the required professional skills and appointed by decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport. The President and one of the deputy members are appointed by the Minister of Economy and Finance.

That of the Sardinian Sea Port Authority is made up of:

  • Dr Giovanni Logoteto (Permanent member with the function of President)
  • Dr Giuseppe De Turris (Permanent member)
  • Dr Alessandra Toparini (Permanent member)
  • Dr Maria Giovanna Picciau (Deputy member)
  • Dr Roberta Bricca (Deputy member)

The Members remain in office for four years and can only be reconfirmed for the same office once.

The Board of Auditors carries out all tasks envisaged by the current legislation in relation to the auditor. In particular it:

  • checks all documents relative to the management;
  • ascertains the accounting records and books are in order on a quarterly basis;
  • draws up its own competence reports and specifically a report on its final financial account;
  • reports periodically to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport;
  • attends the meetings of the Management Committee referred to in article 9 with at least one of its members.

The board may ask the President of the AdSP for information relative to the progress and management of the AdSP or on any individual issues, reporting any irregularities found to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport. It is convened by the President of the Board, on request of one of its members, or whenever deemed necessary and at least once every quarter. Resolutions are only passed by a majority vote of its members. Members present who assist remotely, are considered present, as long as the method of transmission allows for identification, uninterrupted participation in the discussion and real time intervention on topics.

The Sea Resource Partnership Body

The Sea Resource Partnership Body is the bottom-up and top-down consultative body of the economic and social partnership established within each Port System Authority, in relation to:

a) The adoption of the port system master plan;

b) The adoption of the three year operational plan;

c) The determination of the levels of service rendered within the port system;

d) The draft and final budget;

e) article 9, paragraph 5, letter l (contractual agreements with regards to the staff of the AdSP and monitoring efficiency, performance in the management of the AdSP).

The AdSP of the Sardinian Sea is made up of:

President of the AdSP Prof. Avv. Massimo Deiana
Commander of the Port of Cagliari C.V(CP) Mario Valente
Commander of the Port of Olbia CV (CP) Giovanni Canu
a) Representative of the Shipping Companies Franco Del Giudice
Edoardo Cossu Grondona
Luca Brandimarte
Francesco Beltrano
b) Representative of Industry Antonello Argiolas Giuseppe Ruggiu
c) Representative of the Operators referred to in articles 16 and 18 Giancarlo Acciaro Antonio Di Monte
d) Representative of Freight Handlers Sig. Salvatore Plaisant Giovanni Fanciulli
e) Representative of the intermodal logistics operators operating in the port Antonio Musso Stefano Fercia
f) Representative of the railway operators operating in the port area Pier Paolo Olla Silvia Cavaliere
g) Representative of Shipping Agents Vincenzo Brandi Marco Argiolas
h) Representative of road hauliers operating in the port-logistics sector Non indicato: da indicare Non indicato: da indicare
i) Three representatives of workers of the companies operating in the port – Alessio Salis

– Corrado Pani

– William Zonca

– Sergio Prontu

– Gianluca Langiu

– Valerio Mereu

l) Representative of tourism and trade operators operating in the port Francesco Galietti Michele Pons
A Representative of the company of the agency referred to in article 17, appointed by the National Association of Port Companies -ANCIP or by other trade associations, more representative on a national level Vincenzo Pani Roberto Brugattu

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